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year 5, Issue 1 (Semi-Annual 2021)                   JIC 2021, 5(1): 65-83 | Back to browse issues page

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Zekavat S, Chareie A, Keshtgare ghasemi R. A comparative study of Jamshid’s kingdom and picture of him court in the Baysonqor’s Shahnameh and Tahmasp’s Shahnameh from the viewpoint of Erwin Panofsky Iconology. JIC 2021; 5 (1) : 5
URL: http://jih-tabriziau.ir/article-1-127-en.html
1- Shahed University , zekavatsahar@gmail.com
2- Shahed University
Abstract:   (3214 Views)
One of the important and mythical characters of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is Jamshid. In the Baysonqor’s and Tahmasp’s Shahnameh, a scene attributed to Jamshid is illustrated. Jamshid’s kingdom miniature in Baysonqor’s Shahnameh and Jamshid’s court miniature in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh are both visual representations of the content of Jamshid's kingdom and its king functions. The importance of the common theme in both of the Shahnameh paintings has led to the necessity of a comparative study. The purpose of this research is to identify how Jamshid's personality is represented in the Jamshid’s kingdom miniature in Baysonqor’s Shahnameh and Jamshid’s court miniature in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh and to understand the similarities and differences between Jamshid's personality and illustration type of two miniatures. The study addressed these questions: 1- How is Jamshid's personality represented in Baysonqor’s and Tahmasp’s Shahnameh miniatures and what are the features? 2- What cultural, political and social factors have led to more and more detailed and precise in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh painting than Baysonqor’s Shahnameh? In this research, library information and documentary data have been studied with descriptive-analytical and comparative approach and the research results show that more details and visual elements are illustrated in the Jamshid’s court miniature in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh compared to the Jamshid’s kingdom miniature in Baysonqor’s Shahnameh. Also Jamshid’s government in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh is illustrated authoritative, powerfully, luxurious and excellent and also the number of human elements in Baysonqor’s Shahnameh miniature is 15 and in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh miniature is 28 and the image of two demons. Also, the focus of the two paintings is dedicated to Jamshid's character. But the clothes and throne of Jamshid in Baysonqor’s painting are simpler than Tahmasp’s Shahnameh and have less decorations. Even the difference between Jamshid's clothes and other people in Tahmasp’s painting is very noticeable. The king wears a magnificent crown and a robe full of motifs and the throne, which is guarded by two demons and adorned with large elephants at the base, added to his royal power. Meanwhile, Jamshid's dress is simple in Baysonqor’s painting and the king's character is known only from his throne. Also, in Baysonqor’s Shahnameh, Jamshid is illustrated with a glove in his hand and exchanging birds of prey with his attendant, which shows the symbol of the hunt of this king and on the other hand, his Charisma (Farreh Izadi) and in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh Jamshid is shown drinking and drinking shows the characteristics of having fun, increasing blessings, well-being and comfort during the Jamshid era. The space around Jamshid king is illustrated in the painting of Baysonqor’s Shahnameh as a free space, while Jamshid is depicted in the painting of Tahmasp’s Shahnameh inside the royal palace and more details of the king's actions are illustrated with visual expressions. It should be noted that the method of visual expression in Tahmasp’s Shahnameh is a more accurate representation of Jamshid to the viewers, which is more correspond to the text of Shahnameh poems.
Article number: 5
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: 2
Received: 2021/04/20 | Accepted: 2021/08/21 | Published: 2021/08/23

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