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- Year 2020
A Study of the Design and Technique of “Patterned Needlework” in Different applications from the Safavid to the Qajar Period (Emphasis on Applications in Women's Trousers Based on 4 Miniatures and 4 Figurative Paintings)
Study of the halkari Technique in Book Decoration during the Safavid Period (Based on the 1558 Manuscript of the Chester Beatty Museum)
Analysis of the Mediated Role of the Style: Exploration of the Buyid dynasty Style with Emphasis on Jakobson's Linguistic Communication Theory
Investigating the Attribution of the Time and Place Production of Tabletop Tile Preserved in National Museum of Kashan
The influence of Iranian-Islamic culture on the symbology analysis of the motifs of the Tabriz Safavid paradise garden rug
Rereading the Components of Iranian-Islamic Culture In Contemporary Indian Jewelry Based On The Triple Pattern Approach Of Bakhtin (Case Study: Jewelry from 2019-2020)
A Comparative Study of the Technical and Visual Characteristics of Jewelry Making in the Jeqqes of the Fath Ali Shah and Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar periods, Available in the National Jewelry Treasury of Iran
A Study of the Applied pathology of Sistan's Khame-douzi Art in the Present Era
Classification of the effects of Persian Painting on contemporary Iranian painting
Comparative Study of Embroidery Patterns in the Clothing of Sangesar and Turkmen Women
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JIC is owned and published by Tabriz Islamic Art University,Tabriz, Iran.
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Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 8، Number 1
- Owner: Tabriz Islamic Art University
- Publishing Frequency: Semi-Annual (2 Issues per Year)
- Start Publishing Year: 2017
- Article Access: Open (Free of Charge)
- Language: Persian Full-text/English Abstract (250words)
- Reviewing Fee: Yes (3,000,000 IRR)
- Publishing Fee: Yes (3,000,000 IRR)
- Referencing Method: APA
- eISSN: 2588-3178
- pISSN: 2588-316x
Journal Staff
- Editor-in-Chief: Mehdi Mohammadzadeh
- Manager-in-Charge: Mehdi Mohammadzadeh
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Journal of Islamic Crafts follows the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing
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Journal of Islamic Crafts Environmental Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.